Episode 256: The Wire Season 1 Episode 4 vs. Ozark Season 1 Episode 2

John & Pat continue to make their way through The Wire at the glacial pace that’s sure to infuriate fans. They also check out Ozark – which, despite the presence of Jason Bateman, is neither funny nor enabling to abusive men!

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Episode 255: Improv Games

If you’ve ever watched a monkey try to do calculus, you know what you’re in for: John & Pat, with no improv background between them, play improv games. Aren’t you tired of professionals like Paul F. Tompkins and Jason Mantzoukas giving you polished, reliably entertaining comedy? Of course you are. Welcome to the future.

Episode 254: 1988 vs 2018

The end of the Reagan years vs. the end (hopefully?) of the Trump years: who made better art? Or, for that matter, better TV, movies and pop music? The answer will both delight and sicken you! Just like life.

Episode 253: The Shield S1 E1 vs. The Wire S1 E3

Bust out your Nickelback and Nelly CDs and journey back to the year 2002 – a simpler time, when cable cop shows dealt with lighter subject matter like heroin addiction and pedophile rings.

Posted in: TV |

Episode 252: An Episode About Nothing Part Infinity

John & Pat tackle philosophy by discussing nothing to highlight the meaninglessness of existence. Or they were just to lazy to come up with an actual topic. Listen and decide for yourself.

Episode 251: The Best Songs of 2018 Part 1

It’s that time of year again! John and Pat each pick their top 10 songs from the first half of the year. Note to listeners: your terrible band didn’t make the list.

Episode 250: 2018 Fall TV Preview

For their milestone 250th episode extravaganza, Pat & John celebrate by doing the exact same thing they do every year at this time: looking at the new fall shows. What did you expect, Paul F. Tompkins? Get a grip.

Posted in: TV |

Episode 249: 2018 Emmy Nominations

John & Pat discuss the Emmy nominations and predict the winners with their usual well-informed accuracy. And if there are any Emmy voters reading this: you’re idiots. And if there are any Emmy voters not reading this: you’re not idiots.

Posted in: TV |

Episode 248: Over the Edge vs. The Return of the Living Dead w/ Michael Morris

Michael Morris returns to discuss the 2 greatest films of the 20th century. And we mean 20th century B.C. when films didn’t exist, which is the only way these would qualify