Episode 35: In Bruges vs. A Carol For Another Christmas vs. The Curse Of The Cat People (with guest Michael Morris)

What started as a fun look at off the wall Christmas movies turned into an hour long commercial for a Christmas episode in March which features a trip to DollyWood.

In Bruges
A Carol For Another Christmas
The Curse Of The Cat People

Episode 34: Ghostbusters vs. Ghostbusters II (with guest Neil Egan)

Neil Egan, Pat & John ain’t afraid of no ghosts. Instead, they are crippled by the paralyzing fear that their very existence is meaningless (and by extension yours is as well). Enjoy the podcast!

Ghostbusters II

Episode 32: 3:10 to Yuma by Elmore Leonard vs. Audacious by Brock Adams

John & Pat mistake unsuccessfully attempt to prove that brevity is the soul of wit when they don’t have much to say about two short stories, one a classic of the form.