Episode 136: Red Maze (1989) vs. The Ice Cream Man (1983)

John & Pat compare the two rarest ’80s B-movies out there – you can’t find these on Amazon! Or Wikipedia. Or IMDB. Don’t even try. In fact, skip this episode, because you’ll never see these films.

Red Maze
The Ice Cream Man

Episode 135: The Go-Betweens – 16 Lovers Lane vs. Taylor Swift/Ryan Adams – 1989

In a first for the podcast John & Pat attempt to compare three things at once. The presence of a third option confuses them enough that they both lose the power of speech. Listen closely for when John uses the aural power of Mime to describe how Taylor Swift is better than Ryan Adams.

The Go-Betweens – 16 Lovers Lane
Taylor Swift – 1989
Ryan Adams – 1989

Episode 134: Zardoz vs. Showgirls w/ Michael Morris

Michael returns to try to convince John & Pat that Zardoz and Showgirls aren’t just utter garbage made by garbage people. Does he succeed? You’ll have to listen to find out. Hint: he doesn’t.
