Episode 226: Santa’s Enchanted Village vs. A Smoky Mountain Christmas w/ Michael Morris

Michael Morris joins the guys to give you the best Christmas gift ever: detailed descriptions of two movies so you don’t ever have to suffer sitting through them yourself. You’re welcome!

Episode 225: The Thing vs. Get Out w/ Yvonne Steveson

Pat’s friend Yvonne joins the guys to discuss The Thing and Get Out, two of the best horror movies of all time. Also two of Pat’s favorite things to shout at strangers from a passing car.

Episode 223: Our Top Ten Pre-40s Movies

Pat & John finally finish their series on the best films of each decade with the ’20s and ’30s, so if you’re under the age of 187, you can probably skip this one. Sorry, millennials!

Episode 221: Our Top 40’s Movies

John & Pat continue their journey into the past with a look at the films of the 1940s, which millennials may recognize as the decade most of the jokes on The Big Bang Theory come from.

Episode 220: Our Top 50’s Movies

John & Pat take a look at the best films from a decade remembered fondly exclusively by old white men. Which could be any decade, really. You’ll just have to listen to find out which! Or read the episode title.

Episode 218: Switchblade Sisters vs. The Warriors w/ Laura Bagnato

Laura Bagnato returns to talk about two classic gang movies from the ’70s. Violence is never the answer, kids! Except in these films, where it solves everything.

Episode 217: 1987 vs 2017

John & Pat once again compare the ’80s to the ’10s, and once again prove the past was a huge load of crap. Of course, they also prove that so is the present. Why even bother doing anything? Just quit your dumb job and collect unemployment.

Our Top Ten ’60s Movies

John & Pat don their hallucinogenic jackets, Beatles style haircuts, and counter culture shoes and talk about the movies of the ’60s. Funny coincedence, they always wear those outfits in September. 30 days hath it!

Episode 210: Flash Gordon vs. The Lost City of Z

Ami joins Pat & John to discuss two films that are virtually mirror images of each other – as long as you ignore genre, quality of acting, plot, cinematography, and critical acclaim.

Episode 208: Our Top 10 70’s Movies

John & Pat pick their 10 favorite movies from the decade they were born. Unfortunately for them (and you), they weren’t born 2 decades later, so the Problem Child franchise is off the table.