Episode 329: It’s a Wonderful Life vs. Love Actually

John & Pat discuss two beloved Christmas classics that aren’t really about Christmas – one with a great evil villain and one populated entirely by minor villains. You’ll never guess which is which!

Episode 328: Auteurs and Art Museums

John & Pat break with the podcast’s strict routine and have a free-flowing conversation with digressions and abrupt changes in subject matter. And isn’t it about time?

Episode 327: Dog Day Afternoon vs. Quick Change

John & Pat return to the heist film with 2 classic examples of the genre. Well, one classic example and Quick Change, but who bothers to count things anymore?

Episode 323: Buncha Sh*t

John & Pat discuss the death of the daily comic strip and…the situation in Gaza? That can’t be right. Guess you’ll have to listen to find out. That’s called “marketing”!

Episode 321: Fringe vs. Fallout

John & Pat ramble endlessly about 2 beloved 21st century sci-fi shows that begin with “F”. No, not “Firefly”. Or “Foundation”.  Read the title! There can be more than 2, you know.

Posted in: TV |

Episode 320: CBB vs. Whose Line Is It Anyway

John & Pat waste everyone’s time trying to figure out the distinction between short and long-form improv. Plus: B-b-b-bonus! Old comedians vs. new comedians: who sucks more?