Episode 332: Ione Sky vs. SNL

We thought it would be fun to keep the topics we discussed on this episode a mystery. If you’re some genius Sherlock Holmes type, you may discover clues in the title.

Episode 322: It’s the End of the World As We Know it And I Feel Tired

John & Pat discuss – ah, who even cares at this point? Probably TV or some nonsense.

Episode 330: Movie Trailers

John & Pat watch and discuss trailers both for classic and upcoming movies. Which you prefer will depend on your tolerance for constant narration extra-long scenes, but you can rest assured they use the same corny formula no matter the era!

Episode 329: It’s a Wonderful Life vs. Love Actually

John & Pat discuss two beloved Christmas classics that aren’t really about Christmas – one with a great evil villain and one populated entirely by minor villains. You’ll never guess which is which!

Episode 328: Auteurs and Art Museums

John & Pat break with the podcast’s strict routine and have a free-flowing conversation with digressions and abrupt changes in subject matter. And isn’t it about time?

Episode 327: Dog Day Afternoon vs. Quick Change

John & Pat return to the heist film with 2 classic examples of the genre. Well, one classic example and Quick Change, but who bothers to count things anymore?