Episode 291: The Best Songs of 2019 Part 2

John & Pat pick the top 20 songs from the 2nd half of 2019 to give you some options to create Spotify playlists and screw artists out of their money, you filthy thieves.

Episode 289: COVID19 Watch List

John & Pat help you through these difficult times the only way they know how: by telling you what to watch while you’re sitting on your butts.

Episode 288: Rush: Moving Pictures vs. Rush: Hold Your Fire with David Schneider

David returns to discuss the legacy of Neil Peart by comparing a classic album to…an album.

Episode 287: Best of 2019 vs Best of the 2010s

John & Pat make their top 10 lists for the year and the decade – hopefully this will start a trend, and we’ll see other people making similar lists.

Episode 286: The Go-Gos: Beauty and the Beat vs. Taylor Swift: Lover

If you can’t get enough of middle-aged men reviewing music for teenyboppers, this is the episode you’ve been waiting for. (Teenyboppers? Yes. What of it?)

Episode 283: Sleater-Kinney: Dig Me Out vs. The Center Won’t Hold

John & Pat once again bring their critical acumen to bear on pop music, so be sure you’ve got your dictionaries ready for their articulate reading of the work of Sleater-Kinney.

Episode 282: The Wolf Man vs. An American Werewolf in London

John and Pat look at the most popular movie genre ever: the werewolf film. Suck it, Marvel Universe!